Graham's Stats
Coaching Quals
Associate Credited Coach (ACC) with the ICF
Career background
Senior leader in barristers chambers
Interesting fact
Podcast host of “The House of Growth”
Other quals
Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP)
Level 5 Diploma in Leadership & Management
Associate Member of Institute of Leadership & Management

My mission is to empower emerging leaders and future industry titans to take radical responsibility for their life and career and consciously lead and grow in all areas of life with energy and passion.
Over the last 18 years I have worked at the country’s leading barristers chambers, empowering lawyers to develop their practices and leading award winning legal services sales teams across a variety of sectors. Entering the legal world at 18 years old with no experience or connections inspired me to grow exponentially in all areas of life.
I’m passionate about developing a wellness routine because I believe that small daily investments in our wellbeing yields stunning returns in the form of life and career growth.
I am trained in the The Core Energy Coaching™ process which gets to the root of a client’s challenges by identifying and shifting inner thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that block action and success. This empowers clients to consciously connect inner purpose with outer goals to create sustainable, long lasting transformations.
I live in East London with my wonderful American wife and our French Bulldog, Simba.