


    Employment Lawyer




    Performance Coach Training for Leadership: Executive Coaching Course with Culture at Work


    Future Leaders developing effective and impactful communication

kindness, honesty, perspective

A UK employment lawyer by background, I spent the early part of my career in London, working for a city law firm, in-house in an investment bank, and then back in to private legal practice. 

A move to German speaking Switzerland with our young family (and no, none of us spoke German!) brought that part of my career to an end but opened up a whole world of new experiences and opportunities. 

Having spent a good few years coming to terms with the fact that employment law was no longer for me, I realised that coaching is what I really want to do. I had spent years witnessing the damage that a lack of effective communication can do in the workplace, and I realised that what I really wanted to do was to help others to communicate effectively – starting by recognising and working towards their own aspirations and then bringing that same understanding to their communications with others to enable them to become effective leaders and team players.