Professional Certified Coach (ICF PCC)
Training and Development Director in the Pharmaceutical industry
Chemical engineering and Human Resources Management
French, Portuguese
I grew up in Saint Quentin – France, (where I felt I didn’t fit in, too cold and too little light…), I graduated from the Technical University of Lisbon in Portugal (where I finally started to feel I fit, lots of light, better weather and contact with the sea).
I spent nearly twenty years working in the pharmaceutical industry, as a training and development director for Grunenthal, Sandoz, Novartis, and Roche. It was when I implemented a coaching project for middle and regional managers that I made the decision to become a professional coach myself.
Today I have more than 1,600 hours of practical experience and more than 120 different coachees in different countries and nationalities. I considering myself a life long learner and impose a continuous development process for my own coaching.
I am inspired daily by my wife and two children. In my spare time, I enjoy walking, biking, and reading a good book, near the sea.